Monitoreo de IoT a tu medida
CropWatch aprovecha IoT y LoRaWAN para ofrecer soluciones a todos.
Nuestras soluciones
Descubre cómo marcamos la diferencia en diversas industrias.
Productos populares
Descubre nuestros productos más here.
Tarifa mensual simple
Precios ultra simples y ultra accesibles
- Store data for 2 years (database)
- Centralized data management (application server)
- LoRaWAN Server
- Alert notifications*1
- Data download
- Report generation and automatic distribution
- Permission granting
- Unlimited logins
- API access
Edge AI(cv)
- Store data for 2 years (database)
- Centralized data management (application server)
- LoRaWAN Server
- Alert notifications
- Data download
- Report generation and automatic distribution
- Permission granting
- Unlimited logins
- API access
Acuerdos de alquiler y volumen
- Negotiate on large amounts of devices
- 3rd part distribution agreements
- Device & gateway rental bundles
- Partnerships & collaborations
- One-off projects and experiments
- Customized solutions
- Priority support
- Custom SLA
※1 SMS no disponible en Japón. Discord